Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Things I've realized over the past few months

So, I've been living in my own house (no, not dorm) since the end of May - albeit one was in Tacoma and one in Vienna, where I currently reside - and, let me tell you, it has definitely made me more aware of so many things. Here are a few of the things that come to mind immediately:

- I absolutely HATE electric stoves. It literally takes twice as long to do anything and they're just stupid. I don't know why anyone would ever want one in their house.

- My coffee addiction will be the death of me...well, at least the death of my wallet. Thank god I had my little coffee pot this summer (and got coffee for free from all the roasters who gave us free samples after the tastings) and that I worked at Diversions this summer. I definitely drank multiple cups of coffee everyday and rarely ever had to pay for it. But now, I'm in Vienna and although my apartment has a coffee pot, it doesn't have a reusable filter and I still haven't bought any coffee grinds...Therefore, I have been buying coffee EVERYDAY. Yea, not so bueno. I need to either sack up and just buy filters and coffee, or drop coffee altogether - the latter of which I think may actually be impossible. But I will say the nice thing is that IES provides us with coffee for just 0,80€ and they have frequent buyer cards that I am already an avid fan of.

- Holy shit, I miss my mom's cooking. Sometimes it's nice to have something other than pasta and salad...which is what I am currently eating.

- On that note: buying groceries sucks. They are so much more expensive than my poor little college student budget can handle. Thus, pasta and salad is the best and least expensive option.

- Buying stuff like ice cream or Brie cheese is "splurging and treating myself"

- Hellloooo PB&J sandwiches

- I love fruit. Bananas and apples are fairly inexpensive and they're great to have for breakfast, especially since I usually don't eat large breakfasts.

(Wow, a lot of this is about food)
- I don't think I'll ever move back to Los Angeles for a long period of time. I can see myself living there for maybe a year or so, at some point. But, other than that, never. I think I'll just be a nomad for an undetermined amount of time after I graduate and then figure it out...eventually.

- I really love having my own space, my own room, my own routine. It's great.

- Packing and unpacking every 3 to 4 months is not down. It sucks and I hate not having a place to actually decorate and settle into and really call my own.

Yea, I think that's it for now. This is kind of an angry/sad post. Sorry about that haha but it's the TRUTH. Other than all the poop I've complained about, being in Vienna is awesome. I really can't believe this is my home for the next four months. I'm going to the film festival tonight, so Auf Wiedersehen!

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