Then came Tinariwen. Tinariwen is a band of Taureg musicians from the Sahara Desert in northern Mali and their story is amazing. The person who started the band, Ibrahim Ag Alhabib, built his first guitar out of a tin can, a stick and a bicycle brake wire. To my understanding, he was an orphan and lived with other Taureg exiles. In 1979, the band was officially formed but not under an official name. People started calling them Kel Tinariwen which in the Tamashek language means 'The People of the Desert.' They became the voice of the Taureg rebel community. With some years spent in the military, they finally decided to devote all their time to music in 1991. Over the years, they gained more and more international recognition and have performed all over the world for the past 30 years. If you want more details about their story, look them up. It's inspiring.
So, back to The Hollywood Bowl...
After Tinariwen, was Yeasayer's set! They put on a pretty good set and played my two favorite songs :D. I really want to see them live again, when they're the headlining performer. Because I really think they would do some crazy things, visually, if they had a longer set and were the main band. But they did a really good job and it was really cool to be able to see them do everything they do live haha
Then came Baaba Maal. His music was really fun and had a lot of people up and dancing. It was a very diverse line up of musicians from all over the world and I really enjoyed it.
Here are a few pictures from the night. I recommend that you listen to some music by all of these musicians, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

I love the colors of the bowl.
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