Spring Break came to a good end last night when my friend, Chelsea, and I went to a Jamie Cullum show [for FREE]! I won the tickets through KUPS on facebook - which is a really good reason to join the KUPS group on facebook, by the way. Anyway, Jamie Cullum performed at The Moore Theatre in Seattle [I love that city] and it was the most amazing show ever. I was blown away, and so was Chelsea. I hadn't known much of his music, and Chelsea actually didn't know any of it, but we both had an amazing time at the show. He is such a great performer and he's funny, too. He covered songs - or segments of songs - ranging in artists from The White Stripes to Justin Timberlake to Radiohead and Rihanna; all of which sounded amazing. His band is a group of some of the most talented musicians, each of them played at least two or three different instruments and Jamie is just ridiculously talented, I'm definitely jealous. I recommend listening to his music, it's really good. His style is very jazzy with a pop twist, it's some feel-good music. He gets the crowd really involved in his shows, too and the whole thing was a ton of fun I can't explain how nice it was to be there. I bought his CD and every song is perfection.
The only thing I regret about the show is the fact that I forgot my camera...horrible, I know. Anyway, the whole night was a success and the next time Jamie Cullum is in town I am buying tickets to his show.
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